Lastjourney Blog
Dead body transport from South Africa to India

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Emotions always refrain us from leaving our loved ones anywhere. Perhaps they are the most stubborn and invisible knots which tie us together in all situations. Then how can we separate ourselves from them in the state of demise? Even the thought of separation can give us a jolt. The thought of rushing here and there with the corpse of your loved one could be the worst. The state of mental and emotional anguish is quite comprehensible at such times. Nobody ever wants to be a part of such devastating circumstances. But as we all know that nobody has seen the future. What is going to happen with someone? , is completely unpredictable. The major problem linked with such sorrowful states is people are least aware of the process of transportation of dead bodies. It’s awful to say the fact that a few people know where to contact first after hearing such depressing news.
For those worst moments, some stand stern like the Last Journey organization to support and aid you in bringing your loved one back home. We leave no stone unturned in bringing them back home for the practicing of last rites.
Here is a guide to make you fully aware of the steps and proceedings, one must do right after knowing the demise of a loving family member who was residing in South Africa.
The Mean of way used in the Transportation of the Deceased Body
The transportation of the dead body from a country to another country or say transportation held on an international basis is known as international transportation of the dead body or international repatriation of the dead body. The only option to execute this is the airways. Because nobody can cover an enormous distance in any other way while grappling with such mental agony and the body also can not sail through such conditions for long.
Rules to know before Starting the Repatriation Process
Every country makes its distinct rulebook for the proceedings of repatriation of the dead body. Here are the basic rules one can follow while the repatriation process but you are advised to get in touch with the most trustable service-providing organization. The rules are as follows –
Contact the Local Authorities and Aware them of the Incident
Contacting the local authorities of South Africa should be the first and foremost step right after the death of your loved one. So that they can register a death of an Indian person in South Africa. Only this step will assure the registration of the deceased person by the Indian embassy. They will aid you by providing a no-objection certificate. This helps in the further procedure of repatriation.
Get Clearance from the Hospital in the form of the Death Certificate
Clearing all the steps related to the process of death certificate issuance can be challenging for you. Since it is a mandatory document for the inception process of repatriation, you can not skip it. If the deceased person was admitted there then it could be a bit easy for you but approaching a random hospital after the demise of the person will be troublesome undoubtedly. But following their rule book will make it less complicated. After getting the death certificate you must check the crucial information like name, gender, age, reason of death, time and date of death, doctor’s name and hospital’s stamp. Do not forget to keep the copies of a death certificate as you will be required to submit them on various platforms.
Arrangements for Keeping The Body Safe
It is self-explanatory that the repatriation process follows a long way so the chances of decomposition of the dead body are high. You should seek a trustable mortuary to keep the body securely until the death certificate clearing process comes to an end and gives a green flag for the further step. You can opt for the mortuary of a similar hospital where the deceased person was admitted before. It will not charge any amount from you as it comes under its duty. A freezing ambulance can play a pivotal role in freezing the body as an alternative.
Mortuary could be an option for short-term, delays in the Process? Go for the Embalming Process
The embalming process is used when the deceased body can not sail through all the proceedings. Choose a certified embalming center for covering the dead body with a substance that restrains the body from decaying or slows the decomposition. After completion of the embalming process, do not forget to collect the embalming certificate with the sign of the embalming doctor and the stamp of the embalming center.
Coffin boxes are the next on the list
Usually, the embalming center provides the coffin which keeps the body secure. If they are not rendering it, look for a funeral undertaker. Here you can get the coffin box and the certificate of coffin box as well. Check well before paying that it should be unused and new. You can also ask for the certificate which states that it will be used for air cargo services.
List of documents, one must have during repatriation
You are advised to arrange at least 10 copies of each document which is mentioned below because, without their submission, the repatriation process can face a halt.
- Death certificate
- Post-mortem copy
- Police NOC
- Embalming certificate
- Coffin certificate
- Photo and ID card ( Adhaar card/ driving license or any equivalent document)
- Contact details of the receiver in case of non-accompanied transport
Booking of the last ambulance
After collecting all the documents and their copies you need to book an ambulance which will leave you to the airport where you will get the air cargo services for the repatriation of the dead body. It must have the facility of a freezing box as the timing of taking off is not certain yet.
Booking of cargo ticket
Booking the air cargo ticket could be a sign of relief for you. But it is nowhere less than the other steps of repatriation in the context of complications. You should know that all the air operators do not provide the facility of repatriation of the dead body. First, you sort out the names of the air operating services that can help you in bringing the corpse of your loved one back home. After that book a ticket on an urgent basis and report to the AWB department of air cargo. This department plays a pivotal role in the clearance of repatriation. If you are shipping without accompaniment then also provide the details of the receiver.
Time required for the repatriation of the Dead Body from South Africa to India
After understanding the complex procedures and the number of documents that take a lot of time in reaching you, one can easily assess the entire duration of the international transportation of the dead body. If we speculate it in the numbers then it could be 3 to 4 days.
The ordeal does not come to an end even after shipping the cargo, as it takes time in reaching the final destination. The wait becomes never-ending when it is a situation of deep sorrow. But genuine assistance from a credible service provider like Last Journey will assure you of the best efforts.
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