Lastjourney Blog
How Pre-funding a Funeral can Help you Qualify for Medicaid?

- How does the Pre-arrangement of funeral work in qualifying for Medicaid?
- How to convince elder people to pre-planning of funerals so that they can become eligible for Medicaid?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Paying for quality care services for the long term to your elder family members is not an easy task. Sometimes it becomes more challenging due to financial issues.
In this scenario, Medicaid emerges as a beneficiary service for such people who have limited income or assets. But being eligible for Medicaid services one must fulfill some requirements, especially the financial limitations. It gives you a time limit of six months also.
Other factors also help the person in qualifying for Medicaid services. Let’s know about the most important one which is – Pre-arrangement of the funeral.
How does the Pre-arrangement of funeral work in qualifying for Medicaid?
The rules or laws related to Medicaid service vary from one country to another. The amount of money that a person or family can set aside for the funeral for Medicaid is different in different countries. If you want to be assured about the amount that you are keeping aside for the funeral, you must take help from a renowned and certified financial planning professional or the office that provides Medicaid services.
The Medicaid services allow the person a few things. Let’s have a look at them.
Allowance for creating an account
The rules associated with the Medicaid service allow the person to establish an account in which he or she can submit an amount for the arrangement of a funeral. The person is allowed to plan the funeral before spending the amount on Medicaid services.
Choice of planning the funeral
The person can plan the funeral according to his/her own choice. But one can not include some items or services in one’s funeral plan as it can jeopardize the eligibility status of Medicaid services.
Modifications are allowed but with guidelines
Some people get confused by the thought that the pre-arranged funeral plan under the Medicaid guidelines can not be changed or modified. The family members should not consider themselves locked in the agreement of pre-planning the funeral under Medicaid eligibility. Family members can do some changes to the funeral plan but those changes must follow the guidelines of Medicaid eligibility.
How to convince elder people to pre-planning of funerals so that they can become eligible for Medicaid?
Most people are aware of the pre-planning of funeral rites and its advantages in Medicaid eligibility but a few things create a dilemma situation for them. You can consider these points as the myths of pre-planning the funeral. Here are the major points that you must know regarding the pre-planning of the funeral.
1. An opportunity of ending life in your way
Pre-planning for the funeral offers you a way of planning your farewell in a desired manner. Whether you want a religious, eco-friendly or specific way to leave this planet, it is all up to you. You can make a list of the attendees whom you love and respect, decide the dress code of your funeral and the place where you want to wave the last goodbye to your loved ones. The family members can put these options in front of their elder family members and convince them of a pre-planned funeral service.
2. Build the memories by yourself
The professional teams that provide services regarding the pre-planning of the funeral for an elder person in your family suggest some unique ideas through which people can remember you in the best possible ways. As an example – An elder person loves spending time in nature or exploring famous nature sights, the teams can help you in setting up the funeral area with the beautiful natural elements.
3. Lessens the responsibilities of family members
At the demise of a beloved family member, all the close ones feel a void and planning the best farewell for the departed person does not seem easy at that time. If you pre-plan the things related to your funeral, it not only relieves family members from the big responsibilities but also gives them time to mourn their grief peacefully. Family members can feel relieved from huge tasks like decision-making and executing the right decision.
4. Avoid paying the rising cost of a funeral
The fluctuations in the cost of funeral arrangements can bother you to some extent. But if you plan things before demise and lock this plan with the help of a credible professional team, you can skip paying a higher amount for your funeral. Planning the funeral before the demise brings an advantage for people in that they need not worry about the rising prices of services related to the funeral. Once you block the plan at a certain amount it remains fixed at the time of utilization.
5. Honour the wishes after the demise
Executing the services according to the pre-planned funeral service is a way of honouring the wishes of the departed person. Family members and close friends can offer a dignified farewell to your soul and honour your life journey by complying with your wishes or desires. Carrying out your wishes even after your demise with the help of funeral homes will be a great way of biding you adieu.
6. Enough time for planning the funeral
Taking immediate decisions at the time of demise may leave some important things to include. But in the pre-planning of the funeral you have so much time to discuss, bring changes and modify the plan according to your wish. It gives you the advantage of including the wishes of your close ones and at the same time you can also tell your close ones about the things that you do not want to include in your funeral.
7. Advance planning but no advance payment
Pre-planning for the funeral of your elder person gives you the advantage of making choices in advance. But you do not need to pay for that personalized funeral plan before the demise. Funeral homes can also utilize the amount from the life insurance policies at the time of services but they must inform the family members about it.
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