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How to Donate in Honour of your Loved One

How to Donate in Honour of your Loved One
How to Donate in Honour of your Loved One


21 July, 2021

How to Donate in Honour of your Loved One Table of Contents

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The passing away of a loved one is an overwhelming time for family and friends. One may go through different kinds of emotions ranging from grief to regret. Though it is okay to deal with them at their own pace, honouring the life of the lost one is something that may help you achieve peace. 

One of the most beautiful and giving ways of honouring your loved one is through memorial donation. It is a charitable donation made in the memory or honour of the lost one. All you have to do is choose the organization and inform other friends and relatives, giving them a chance to donate.

The organization for the memorial donations is chosen because the lost one had a love for that cause, or because they suffered from a particular disease and want to help people going through it, or simply because they expressed supporting a particular organization in their last wishes. 

Some kinds of organizations to which you can donate include – 

     1. Medical Research Organisations.

If the deceased suffered from an illness or disease, it is a good idea to look into organizations that fund research or support the survivors. The gift can help someone else fighting similar battles or accurately express the sense of loss. 

     2. Religious Community/ Place of Worships.

If the lost person followed a certain religion, a community, or had some beliefs, it is advisable to make donations to those particular organizations. What better way to honour than by spreading love in the lost one’s name.

     3. Cause Based Organziation.

If you know the cause that the lost one believed in or had a love for, look for organizations supporting them. Maybe the lost one had a love for animals, or they believed in saving the environment. Think thoroughly, research, and choose.

After choosing the organization to donate to, you can inform your family and friends about this. The donations can be collected at the funeral service, through funeral homes, or by creating online fundraising pages. 


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