Lastjourney Blog
Recommended Format for writing an Obituary

Reading Time: 2 minutes
An obituary is written to announce someone’s demise. It typically contains content regarding the lost soul’s life and personality; and mentions the crucial details of any upcoming funeral service. They are generally published in newspapers for community announcement, but nowadays are being broadcasted through online memorial pages or social media posts.
If you are struggling with what to say, here is the recommended format for writing an obituary.
- Announcement of demise
Since the main aim of the obituary is declaring the demise, start with mentioning the following details.
- Name of the deceased, Age
- Location of Residence
- Day and Date of death
- Place and Cause of Death (optional)
2. Life Highlights
Precisely outline the deceased person’s important events and contributions.
- Date and Place of Birth
- Name of Parents
- Highlight stories from childhood, including friends and siblings
- Date of Marriage and Spouse’s name
- Education details such as school or university name
- Designations or Achievements
- Hobbies, Interests, or other contributions
- Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
- Disappointments
3. About Family
Since the announcement of the death is for the living, it is recommended to mention the name of the survivors and those who have preceded the deceased in death.
- Spouse
- Children and their spouses
- Grandchildren
- Parents
- Grandparents
- Siblings
- Others (nephews, nieces, cousins, or inlaws)
- Friends
- Pets
4. Funeral/Memorial Information
The funeral service details should be mentioned clearly to avoid any miscommunication and hassle.
- Day, date, time, and place
- Visitation Information
- Reception Information
- Name of Funeral service provider in charge of arrangements
- Contact Details for more information
5. Extra Information
To personalize the obituary, you can include the following information.
- Photo of the deceased
- Memorial Donation or Flower Information
- Thankyou to necessary people or institutions
- Quotations or Poems
Once you are satisfied with the finished product have another person proofread your obituary for any mistakes or omissions.
Writing an obituary amid all the grief can be difficult. Just remember that you are writing this in the honor of the loved one and to embrace the joy of their presence.
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