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What are the Beliefs of Christianity on Life after Death?

- What do Christians say about Life after Death?
- What are the Core Principles of Life after Death in Christianity?
Reading Time: 3 minutes
One thing we have struggled to answer for the entirety of humanity’s existence is “What occurs after death?” Our response to this question has far-reaching repercussions for our existence on this planet. Even though many people try to avoid it, the question must be addressed sooner or later.
Christians believe in a life beyond death. They believe that even when the body dies and is buried or burnt, the soul lives on. This is because they believe that three days after Jesus was crucified, he rose from the dead. He made this new ‘life after death’ possible for everyone by being born as a human being and then dying on the cross.
What do Christians say about Life after Death?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation for Christian beliefs regarding life after death. Christians believe Jesus’ death and resurrection were part of God’s divine plan for humanity. Jesus has paid the punishment for mankind’s sins, and restored their connection with God. This is referred to as atonement.
Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead three days after his crucifixion and he appeared to his followers once more. This is interpreted to signify that Jesus’ death and sacrifice triumphed over sin and death. Those who believe in Christ and conduct virtuous lives will be given eternal life in Heaven, although bodily death will still occur.
Many Christians believe that when they die, they will be taken into God’s presence and treated for the deeds they did or did not accomplish during their lifetime.
What are the Core Principles of Life after Death in Christianity?
Some Christians think that when they die, they will be judged. Others think that at the end of time, there will be a Day of Judgement when everyone will be judged at the same moment. Many believe that judgment takes place in two different stages: a personal judgment when you die and a definitive judgment at the end of time.
Given that God has given humans free choice, there must be a way for them to reject God. This is the foundation of the concept of Hell.
Hell has often been portrayed as a realm of endless fire, representing anguish and torment. This is viewed as the outcome of people’s rejection to accept the enjoyment that God desires for them to share.
Purgatory, according to the Roman Catholic Church, exists after death. This is a place where some sinners are cleaned in a ‘cleaning fire’ before being admitted into Heaven.
Most Christian religions reject the concept of purgatory, believing instead that after people are judged, they will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell.
There is no clear explanation as to how this notion would be implemented. Some Christians believe that everyone will be raised in a corporeal state on a new Earth at the end of time. Some believe that this merely means that in Heaven, the entire individual will be present.
How do Christians deal with Death?
Many people opposed cremation in the past because they believed it meant the deceased would not be resurrected on the Day of Judgement. Today, however, whether a person is buried or burnt is frequently a personal choice. More prayers are held at the Crematory before the coffin is brought away to be burned. The ashes are afterward returned to family members to be buried or spread. A body is placed into a pit at a cemetery and then covered with earth during a burial. Later, a gravestone with information about the person’s life can be erected. “We dedicate this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” the priest or minister will say at both services.
Christian Funeral Services by the Last Journey
The loss of a loved one is an emotional process. Organizing a funeral, especially while you are mourning, can be daunting if you are not prepared ahead of time. Because of the unique characteristics of the Christian religion, it’s best to find a funeral home that specializes in Christian funerals.
The Last Journey wants to relieve you of your burden by handling all of your funeral arrangements so you can focus on the healing process. Comfort and reassurance are at the center of our offerings. We strive to make every funeral experience as positive as possible for the bereaved.
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