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What is Bereavement Leave? How to claim - Last Journey

Bereavement leave in india
Bereavement leave in india


23 July, 2024

Bereavement leave in india Table of Contents

What is Bereavement Leave?

Bereavement Leave: is a time to recover from the loss of a person, none of us is immortal, and Bereavement Leave is one type of leave that can bring comfort to employees. It is a company policy that grants employees paid or unpaid time when they lose someone whom they loved dearly.

This is a period when the company gives its employees a chance to attend to the formalities due to the death of a family member. It allows employees to use this to make funeral arrangements, seek emotional support along with being present at the memorial service.

Let’s dive further into the reason, span, and varieties of bereavement leave strategies.

Importance of Bereavement Leave

When your loved one expires, it is a loss that creates an emotional hollow leaving it as a challenge to heal yourself. It is a process when you recover from the personal loss and ensure that you heal people around you too. The bereavement leave accepts this, and ensures that it provides employees with much-needed time to manage the following; -

Grieve: Grief has different meanings for different people. Bereavement leave ensures that employee’s sentiments are given proper space so that they can process their emotions without any significant pressure of work.

  • Make Arrangements: When someone dies, several procession takes place including Funerals, and memorials, which require preparation and take time. Bereavement leave allows employees to handle these logistical aspects without being worried about the commitments at work.
  • Seek Support: Grief can turn out to be never-ending, as it isolates people. Bereavement leave gives employees the desired time to overcome the pain and join back the organization overcoming challenges post the demise.

What is the duration of bereavement leave?

The span of bereavement leave sheerly relies upon the organization's strategy and the closeness of the relationship with the departed. Normally, organizations offer more days off for close relatives (companions, youngsters, guardians) contrasted with more distant family or companions.

Some deprivation leave strategies are normalized, offering a proper number of days off for all passing misfortunes. Others might be more adaptable, permitting representatives to arrange extra time off utilizing accumulated get-away days, earned leave, or unpaid leave.

Global Considerations

While not a widespread right, mourning leave is turning out to be progressively perceived. A few nations, similar to the Unified Realm, have regulations commanding a total number of bereavement leave days for those days when someone young passes through.

In India, even though there's no normalized regulation, organizations frequently give paid pass on to close relative demise Checking your particular organization strategy for details is the best choice.

Bereavement leave is a conventional organization strategy giving representatives paid or neglected time off following the passing of a friend or family member.

It acknowledges the pain and agony of the challenges faced by the relatives during the healing process of the immediate demise of their loved person.

  • Process Grief: Grief is a complex journey, with emotions ranging from shock and sadness to anger and guilt. Bereavement leave allows employees time away from work pressures to navigate these emotions healthily.
  • Manage Practicalities: The period after a loved one's death often involves logistical hurdles. Funeral arrangements, legal paperwork, and notifying loved ones require time and attention to detail. Bereavement leave relieves the pressure of juggling these tasks with work commitments.
  • Seek Support: Grief can be isolating. Bereavement leave allows employees to connect with family and friends who offer emotional support. They might also need to seek professional help from therapists or grief counsellors during this time.

Bereavement Leave Policies in India

The specifics of bereavement leave policies vary depending on the company and local regulations. Here's a breakdown of common elements:

  • Duration: The allotted time for bereavement leave can range from a few days to several weeks. Companies typically offer more days for immediate family members (spouse, children, parents) compared to extended family or friends.
  • Pay Status: Bereavement leave can be paid or unpaid. Paid leave allows employees to receive their regular salary while they are away. Unpaid leave allows them to take time off without penalty, but they won't receive regular pay.
  • Documentation: Some companies may require documentation, such as a death certificate, to verify the reason for leave.

Is Compassionate Leave and Bereavement Leave are Same?

In comparison to Bereavement Leave, Compassionate leave is a broader term which covers a large number of emergencies altogether. This includes illness, family crisis, and recovery from natural disasters along with all the benefits of bereavement leave

Let’s understand the major reasons why you can apply for compassionate leave and get approval; -

  • Serious Illness: We are social animals, and we need to take care of people around us. When our close family member falls ill, frequent hospital visits or daycare needs us, which can be forwarded as a reason to apply for compassionate leave. Depending on the company’s policies the paid / unpaid leaves are decided according to company rules and regulations.
  • Family Crisis: In the event of domestic violence or a child’s critical illness may also be a reason to attain compassionate leaves. Compassionate leave allows employees to handle these situations without work obligations.
  • Natural Disasters: The third reason that can get you a compassionate leave will be when someone faces a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or something else. If an employee's home or loved ones are affected by a natural disaster like a flood or earthquake, compassionate leave allows them to attend to urgent needs and manage the aftermath.

Both bereavement leave and compassionate leave offer crucial support during difficult times. They allow employees time away from work to manage personal emergencies and prioritize well-being. However, some key distinctions include the following;-

Difference between Bereavement Leave and Compassionate Leave

Differentiation Bereavement Leave Compassionate Leave
Scope It is designated to deal with death emergencies of loved ones. This covers a wide array of emergencies including child illness.
Flexibility It is restricted to leaves to attend death purposes This is flexible in terms of duration and reason for leave.

Importance of Company’s Policy for Bereavement Leave:

  • When it comes to leave for a death in the family the availability and specifics of both bereavement and compassionate leave policies vary by the company’s size and leave policy, hence it becomes significant to review the company’s policies well in advance. 
  • You can always refer to the leave policies which include bereavement leave and compassionate leave and analysis the pros and cons of compassionate vs bereavement leave before you apply for the desired leave. in case a challenge exists you can always seek clarifications from the HR or administration department of your organization, who are responsible for setting the policies for the employee welfare. 
  • There are some companies, that do not have bereavement leave or compassionate leave policies, in those cases, HR can be an SPOC who can assist with leaves to ensure you get your time out with your family in time of need.

Bereavement Leave Application: Craft your perfect leave format by using these 10 Factors

The art of drafting a bereavement leave that impresses your employer should be thoroughly planned. List reasons that can extend acceptance and avoid unnecessary personalization. It is because the bereavement leave application is a personal leave but has to be written in such a professional way that creates an empathetic urgency from the employer’s end and attains acceptance when your family needs you the most:-

1. Gather Information About the Bereavement Leave

As you start to drive out on your application, furnish yourself with the essential information. Dive more deeply into your organization's bereavement leave policy. This data is normally reported in the employee handbook and can be promptly accessible on request from your HR division. 

Key takeaways to look from the handbook may include: -

•         Span or Duration of Leave: Organization strategies also known as company policies offer differing lengths of bereavement leaves. While for a close relative, it can extend up to a month, in case of a further relation, the bereavement leave application can be restricted to a couple of days. 

•         Pay Status: Get comprehensive knowledge of whether bereavement leave is paid or unpaid. Paid leave permits you to keep accepting your standard compensation while you're away, while unpaid leave allows you to carry on the process without being paid and worried on the work front. This sheerly depends on the company policies.

•         Documentation: A few organizations might require documentation, for example, a death certificate, to confirm the leave for a death in the family.

2. Choose Your Communication Method: Email vs. Letter

The next step is deciding how to submit your application. Both email and letter formats have their advantages:

•Email: This is a quicker version of the traditional letter, It has the advantage of getting approval faster than the traditional leave. It considers direct correspondence with the SPOC so that you can get quick approvals against your bereavement leave application.  

•Letter: A proper letter may be liked profoundly on the occasion when you require leave for death in the family, especially written when you want compassion along with the bereavement leave. For example, when you inform someone is on the deathbed, and the doctor has called off the chances and you have to be with them for the tenure, then it can be put formally to HR, via letter or postcard, so that they can relate to it and you get sympathy along.

3. Crafting the Subject Line: Clear and Respectful

Be sure to write a clear and concise subject line, as a messy or unclear subject line pay decreases the chances of the leave application being heard.

4. Set the opening of email in a professional manner

Start writing your application with a formal salutation. For an email, address it to your manager or HR representative by name (e.g., "Dear Mr./Ms. [Immediate boss’s name]"). In the case of a letter, follow the format of a formal letter and start with “To whom it may concern”.

5. Stating Your Reason: Be Clear and Brief

As you write the bereavement leave application, be on point and don’t create stories or plots unnecessarily. Your bereavement leave application should be direct and precise wherein you mention the death of a loved one. You can mark the subject as – Applying for bereavement leave in the event of the death of my mother. This one-line mention increases chances and creates an urgency in the employer’s mind, and you get the advantage of getting approval. Stick to major details such as who expired, when, and how many days of leave you may require. The more concise leave it is the more beneficial it may turn for you.

6. Define Your Date of Absence

Specify the start and end dates of your absence as you write your bereavement leave application. Refer to your company’s policies so that you increase your chances. As you write the application you should be aware of your emotional state and the practicalities you need to manage related to the loss.

7. Show empathy towards the employer too.

Though bereavement leave allows you to take an off, mentioning your plan to comprehend your dedicated work during your absence will create trust in you because of the reactiveness and consideration you should have towards colleagues and employers. 

For instance, you could mention:

  • To whom you have delegated the work in absence along with the status of the work in hand.
  • Discuss the deadlines, and how you have planned to meet them as you take off and take leave for the death of a family member.

8. Expressing Gratitude: Acknowledging Their Understanding

Be considerate, and end your bereavement leave application with a note of gratitude. Thank your employer for being understanding and supportive. You can mention and end your leave application as “Thank you for being so kind and extend support in this challenging time.

9. Closing up with Signatures

Ensure to conclude your application with a formal closure statement. You can utilize the formats available or simply close it with your sincere in case of an email or best regards in case of a formal letter application.

10. Proofreading: Ensuring Accuracy

After completing your application, take a moment to proofread it carefully. Double-check for any typos or grammatical errors. A well-crafted and error-free application reflects professionalism during this delicate time.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Process

Post you have followed the above-mentioned tips and tricks for writing a bereavement leave application, then ensure you follow a professional tone throughout the application. Creating a thoroughly researched bereavement leave application smoothes you’re your interaction with the top management.

By following these means and focusing on specifics you can take out the application explaining the time required by you to recover from the death of a family member. Remember, bereavement leave permits you the space to recuperate and guarantees a smoother return to work when you're prepared. In simple words, we can reason that the departure of a friend or family member is a private affair and a time of unprecedented loss.

Bereavement leave recognizes this need by offering workers paid or unpaid off to come out from the loss and manage the challenges at home due to the loss of a relative.

Source - Wikipedia


Q1. In case my relative is on the deathbed, can I take bereavement leave?

A 1. The answer is no, as bereavement leave is approved only in case of the death of a family member.

Q2. What is covered under compassionate leave?

A2. Compassionate leave includes an array of leave required to manage important tasks such as a child’s illness along with managing loss and other needs conquered due to natural calamities too.

Q3. What is the maximum duration for bereavement leave?

A3. There is no minimum or maximum duration for bereavement leave, this sheerly depends on your requirements, the company has the right to consider the leave as paid or unpaid according to the company’s policies.

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